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A confident smile can change the way you feel about yourself, and at our office, we specialize in enhancing smiles through cutting-edge cosmetic dentistry.
Good oral health is important at any age, but after 50, you may need to adjust your routine as changes in your body affect your oral health.
Routine dental cleanings are the cornerstone of a healthy smile. These appointments remove plaque and tartar buildup that regular brushing and flossing can’t fully eliminate.
Preventive dentistry forms the foundation of a healthy smile, focusing on avoiding dental issues before they arise.
Regular dental cleanings are an essential part of maintaining a healthy smile, yet many people underestimate their importance.
You would be hard-pressed to find more than a few people whose teeth don’t have some extent of tooth decay. Commonly known as cavities or caries, it’s prevalent around the world.
A healthy smile is more than just an attractive feature—it’s a reflection of your overall well-being.
You can be a superstar when it comes to taking care of your oral health, but all it takes is a few mouthfuls of certain foods to give your breath an unpleasant aroma.
It’s commonly known that most adults have 32 teeth, compared with 20 primary, or baby teeth.
At the office of SMYLIQUE™ Dentistry, we understand that a radiant smile is more than just an attractive feature; it's also essential to your overall wellbeing.
You already know the benefits of brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time.
At the office of SMYLIQUE™ Dentistry, we believe that a beautiful smile is more than just an attractive feature; it's also a vital component of your overall health.
Your smile is one of your most important features, both for its aesthetic value and as a vital means of communication.
Your gums are an amazing biological mechanism designed to protect your teeth and prevent oral diseases.
At SMYLIQUE™ Dentistry, we understand that a sparkling smile is more than just aesthetically pleasing; it also plays a crucial role in maintaining your overall health.
You brush your teeth in the morning and floss before your nighttime brush. That’s great! But when was your last trip to a dentist for a cleaning?
Happy holidays from your friendly family dentist at SMYLIQUE™ Dentistry, who’ll know if you’ve been naughty or nice during your next regular checkup, which we hope is right around…
Though nobody wants to get cavities, so many of us do.
Time sure flies when you're creating beautiful smiles!
One of the features of a sensational smile is bright, white teeth!
Life can be quite stressful, and many of us have a variety of coping mechanisms. One common tension reliever is damaging our oral health in the form of teeth grinding and/or clenching.
A mouth’s many components team up to perform imperative tasks. This valuable orifice is a very busy place, which, unfortunately, makes it susceptible to glitches and the occasional misfortune.
Americans are known around the world for their healthy and attractive teeth. Our standards are higher than those in other countries, and many of us work hard to sport sparkling smiles.
The human body is a complex system in which everything is interconnected. From head to toe, what affects one area of your body influences one or more other areas.
The National Institute of Health designates special days, weeks, or months as Health Observances to promote awareness of conditions that can affect our well-being and what we can do to protect our…
Admittedly, tongue scraping does not have a pleasant sound to it. In fact, it sounds uncomfortable at best!
We love making our patients smile and at Smylique Dentistry in Rochester, our patients love coming to the dentist!
When it comes to protecting your health, it’s vital to be proactive.
Do you dislike your smile because your front teeth have minor alignment issues?
Everyone knows about teeth, but not everyone knows all there is to know about their choppers.
Braces and Adults: Is It Too Late to Straighten My Smile?
Every February, Children’s National Dental Health Month reminds parents and caregivers that healthy, beautiful smiles require a measure of attention and care.
It’s important to take excellent care of your teeth and gums no matter how old you are. But as with the rest of your body parts, age can take a toll on them.
January's a great time to start your New Year's Resolutions—especially ones that involve a renewed commitment to better health and wellness. This advice also pertains to your smile.
General Dentistry–and Beyond!
The holidays are filled with opportunities to share the joy of the season with our family and friends.
Christmas is a special time of year. Merriment and cheer abound, and everyone longs to find perfect presents for the ones they love.
Tartar can be the impetus behind cavities, tooth decay, gum disease and even the loss of teeth. That’s why you need to know what tartar is and why it’s important to control its buildup.
Third molars are called “wisdom teeth” because they usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 21.
At the office of Smylique Dentistry, our goal is to help patients maintain optimal oral health and create beautiful, radiant smiles. As a skilled, experienced provider of care, Dr.
Smylique Dentistry is celebrating all month long!
Youngsters like to participate in a variety of activities. Unfortunately, brushing their teeth probably isn’t one of them. But a change in attitude can make a world of difference.
Today, thanks to advances in treatment technology, you can achieve a well-aligned and attractive smile without the need for bulky and noticeable orthodontic appliances!
How many times have you brushed your teeth?
At the office of Smylique Dentistry, we understand that the appearance and health of your smile can affect your confidence, comfort, and well-being.
A full set of upper and lower dentures can be a godsend for people who have lost all of their natural teeth. Tooth loss is frequently the result of decay, injury or severe gum disease.
If you’ve become a bit lax about taking good care of your oral health, there’s no time like the present to reevaluate your cleaning routine.
With June designated as Oral Health Month in the United States, it's a great time to give your smile the thought and attention it deserves.
Have you ever considered how much your teeth do for you every day?
February is “Gum Disease Awareness Month” and an excellent time to ensure your gums are healthy and your teeth are getting the support they need.
Some people always use a manual toothbrush, while others swear by their rechargeable or battery-powered devices. Other folks like to alternate between the two. Each version has its advantages.
Halitosis, otherwise known as bad breath, can take a toll on your social life and self-confidence.
There are right ways and wrong ways to execute certain tasks. Using dental floss is one of those tasks.
Your gums play an essential role in the wellbeing of your teeth and overall oral healthcare.
Let’s face it; New Year’s resolutions often include plans for self-improvement. We often aspire to exercise more, take better care of our health, and be our best selves.
Everyone knows about teeth, but does everyone know all there is to know about teeth?
When many people think of mouthwash, the first thing that comes to mind is probably a quick way to freshen their breath in the morning or after a meal.
You’re preparing for your regular checkup and cleaning, and you find out the dentist will be recommending a fluoride treatment to be directly applied to your teeth.
Your smile is one of your most important assets; it communicates your joy and positivity, inspires confidence in those you meet and helps you make a great first impression.
Are you searching for a dentist who can provide excellent care for everyone in your household?
Studies show that across the United States millions of people are living with partial or complete tooth loss.
Tooth loss isn’t something that stopped happening way back when.
This muscular organ does more than help to churn up food. It’s also an important component in your complete oral health. Most people don’t associate tongues with medical maladies.
By 2017, almost 20 years after its FDA approval, over five million Americans had used clear aligners to help straighten their teeth, and 20% of those were teenagers.
Summer is finally here. After last year’s shutdown, we’re emerging from our cocoons and shaking free to enjoy beauty, friends, and life once more.
Smiles are an important part of how we present ourselves to the world. Having a smile that you're proud to share can help you live longer.
Lost teeth are nothing to smile about.
It used to be that if you needed orthodontia, you had to go through the tortuous process of getting metal brackets, wires, and rubber bands that stayed in your mouth for several years.
About Smyilque Dentistry Smylique Dentistry of Rochester, New York, offers more than dental care—Dr.
Wanting your teeth to be as white as they can be doesn’t just affect women. There’s a big market in whitening for men, too.
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinged joint connecting your mandible (jaw) to your skull.
When you hear about Botox® injections, most people think of a wrinkle reducer in cosmetic procedures. And that’s no surprise, as plasticsurgery.
Most people crave a brilliant white smile of perfectly formed teeth, but few of us are blessed with either, especially as we age.
When it comes to good dental health, Americans don’t do such a good job.
Since Invisalign® hit the market over 20 years ago, more than eight million people have used their clear aligners to correct their smiles.
Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you and can have a direct effect on your self-confidence and self-esteem.
It’s important to take care of your teeth, as neglecting them can lead to tooth decay and cavities. Sadly, many Americans don’t practice good oral care.
Do you want less pain, faster healing, and reduced inflammation?
You brush and floss to get rid of the bits of food lurking in the spaces between your teeth. But what if the foods you ate worked with your toothbrush instead of against it?
Botox, an injectable skin-tightening treatment, is primarily used to reverse the signs of aging. But it can also provide great benefits for your smile, and even treat your TMJ.
If you’ve had crowns, then you know they’re a great option for covering up damaged teeth and preventing them from decaying further.
Did you know that 178 million Americans are missing at least one of their teeth?
Invisalign® gives you a way to straighten your teeth and close gaps without the embarrassment of wearing metal braces. At Smylique Dentistry, Dr.
Your teeth are designed to last a lifetime, yet 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth and a whopping 40 million Americans are missing all of their teeth.
Do you cringe at the thought of getting a root canal?
Straight teeth are a hallmark of a great-looking smile.
Have you recently gotten teeth whitening but are concerned that your results may not last?
Are you suffering from TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder), which you suspect may be causing your chronic headaches?
If you think that you need to schedule separate appointments with multiple specialists to get your oral care and cosmetic facial injections, think again.
Are you tired of hiding crooked teeth in your smile but don’t want to get bulky, metal braces?
For decades, even centuries, dentures have been the go-to standard of care to cope with loss of permanent teeth.
Oral cancers affect women and men, but you’re especially vulnerable if you use tobacco products or you’re a heavy drinker.
Regenerative medicine is fast gaining acceptance in medical circles as a powerful tool that helps speed up recovery by tapping the human body’s own natural resources.
When you ignore your oral health, bacteria and plaque can build up on your teeth and gums. Without treatment, this plaque can harden into tartar and lead to gingivitis.
What would you do if someone told you there was a simple, safe, proven treatment that takes just an hour to complete, but that could potentially help you feel more attractive and more confident for…
Want straighter teeth and a more attractive smile without the hassle and inconvenience of traditional braces?
Headaches are one of the most common medical complaints among men and women of all ages. Sometimes, a headache may occur only occasionally, and it may resolve just as rapidly.
It's easy to take your teeth for granted, and often it's only after you’ve lost one or more that you realize how critical they are to everything from eating to talking to smiling.
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