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SMYLIQUE™ Dentistry | Kybella, Extractions and Dental Cleanings

The Advantages of Choosing Invisalign®

October 8, 2020

Since Invisalign® hit the market over 20 years ago, more than eight million people have used their clear aligners to correct their smiles. Whether you have an abnormal bite, gapped or crooked teeth, or any other dental imperfections, Invisalign can completely transform your smile in a matter of months. 

At Smylique Dentistry in Rochester, New York, Dr. Indra Quagliata provides Invisalign treatments to give you the straight, even smile of your dreams. Everyone deserves a smile they can show off with pride, and modern dentistry has made it easier than ever to achieve perfect teeth. So, what is Invisalign, and what are the advantages of clear alignment over traditional options like braces? 

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners are a faster, easier alternative to traditional braces. They are made from clear, BPA-free plastic, which makes them unnoticeable at a glance. 

Along with being removable and invisible, Invisalign also comes with a number of other advantages. Let’s look into a few reasons Invisalign beats traditional braces and other clear aligner brands. 

1. Invisalign uses SmartTrack® 

Invisalign is the only brand that uses the patented SmartTrack material. The elasticity of this material encourages gentle, consistent shifting of your teeth. It’s far more comfortable than traditional braces and more consistent than other clear aligners. 

2. Invisalign works quickly 

Invisalign’s one-piece system works differently than traditional braces. Instead of trying to move each tooth individually, the Invisalign system applies equal, continuous pressure across all of your teeth. This encourages them to move together, which speeds up the alignment process. It only takes 12-18 months for Invisalign to straighten your teeth, which is 50% faster than other corrective options.   

3. Invisalign is tailored to your teeth

Even though braces are fitted according to your teeth, there’s only so much you can do to tailor metal braces. However, Invisalign dental aligners are made using state-of-the-art scanners that create a precise, 3D model of your teeth. This technology also allows your dentist to project what your teeth will look like every step of the way. 

4. Invisalign works on all kinds of teeth

Even if you have troublesome teeth, Invisalign can still work for you. If your teeth need a little extra help moving into position, SmartForce® attachments can help add pressure. The tiny, tooth-colored SmartForce attachments allow your orthodontist to customize the pressure on your teeth, ensuring they shift into place without metal or rubber bands.

5. Invisalign has produced over eight million smiles

Invisalign has changed a lot over the years. The data and feedback from over eight million patients has been used to fine-tune the formula, making Invisalign more effective and comfortable than ever before. 

Are you ready to correct your smile? Call IQ Dentistry at 585-207-2159, or contact us online to book an appointment.


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